JUTA UK HYDROLOCK – Is a Mechanically bonded Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) composite of pulverised bentonite embedded between two layers of geotextile. The internal 5kg of natural sodium bentonite swells in contact with water to form a low permeability waterproofing barrier.

  • Suitable for use as a full-bonded Type A waterproofing protection as defined in BS 8102: 2009 for the waterproofing of new structures.
  • Can be used externally on concrete to provide an effective barrier to the transmission of liquid water where Grades 1 to 3 waterproofing protection are required.

JUTA UK HYDROLOCK when used with 150 mm properly-designed concrete, is satisfactory for use as a fully-bonded Type A waterproofing protection as defined in BS 8102: 2009 for the waterproofing of new structures. JUTA UK HYDROLOCK can be used externally on concrete to provide an effective barrier to the transmission of liquid water where Grades 1 to 3 waterproofing protection are required as defined in Table 2 of BS 8102 : 2009.